Mighty Morphing Animation - Our Complete Guide
The act of something changing from one thing to another is a mesmerising…
TV vs Online Animated Advertising – Has The Internet Taken Over?
TV advertising vs internet advertising. A modern conundrum whose influence over…
Animated Advertising - All The Options For 2022/23 (Part 1)
One of the greatest features of animation is that it has no real boundaries.…
Food & Drink Branding Through Animation
Food and drink branding is a practice as old as time. We all need to eat and…
Using Animation to Inspire Future Generations
Open any newspaper, news app or social media page these days and you are met…
Using Animation to Hype Events
You’ve got a big event coming up. There are general murmurings in the industry…
How Art Can Inspire Charity
Art has always had a way of influencing the general public. Powerful imagery…
Using 3D Animation for Your Product Video
It is easy to see why 3D animation and product animation is an absolute…
Beautiful, Wonderful, Extraordinary
Creating an all-encompassing slogan around your brand is no mean feat. Trying…
Making of TAG In Under 60 Seconds!
An Interview with the Director As well as being the Co-Founder of TAG, Theo is…