All this explaining can be a little draining…

Click on the video below to meet Jane Explain.

The Facts

  1. Videos on landing pages increase conversions by up to 80% or even double the number of sales. (High Five!)
  2. Text on websites is great, but studies have proven that visitors will stay on a page for about 2 minutes longer when there is a video on it! (Mini Fist Pump)
  3. If you watch a video you will remember up to 95% of it. This compares to 10% when it is just text. (It’s the multisensory revolution!)
  4. Google likes videos and videos like google. This can help with the indication for quality content. Thus improving your ranking. (BOOM!)
  5. It’s proven that after customers watch an explainer video on a website, they are 85% more likely to purchase the product or service. (Swish!)

What did our clients say?

“Our previous company video was outdated and no longer accurately reflected the company Akixi is today. The objective for our new video was to draw people in by talking about the business benefits our analytics solutions can bring, rather than products and features. But the final video delivered so much more. The result totally exceeded our expectations and we couldn’t be happier. Working with The Animation Guys was a positive experience from start to finish. They are a friendly and talented team, easy to work with, and I wouldn’t hesitate in working with them again on future projects.”


Hilary King

Marketing Manager at Akixi Limited


Our Clients

Wanna see some Case Studies?

  1. Akixi
  2. Network For Animals
  3. Absolut
charity artwork

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