Animated videos have a plethora of benefits, from helping explain difficult concepts to purely and simply trying to entertain a viewer. But when your business and organisation is in the process of considering producing a video or animation it may never have crossed your mind on the potential search engine optimisation benefits that creating this video may have.

Search engine optimisation is the process of helping your website rank well in search engines. Well built, speedy and secure websites, partnered with rich, informative and engaging content is usually all thumbs up in Google’s eyes. However, there are also other key influencers that go into search algorithms that can help your website outrank the competition.

This is where video marketing comes in…

  1. Animation Helps Increase User’s Average Session Duration

One key metric that search engines take into consideration when ranking websites, is how users are interacting with that site. If users tend to stick around for a while and browse multiple pages, it’s a sign that a website is meeting users requirements and will be a green light in the eyes of search engines. 

If users are quickly leaving a website and not interacting with it, there may be issues such as poor content relevance, slow speed or layout issues. Poor engagement is a big red in the eyes of search engines and may well hinder your climb to the top of Search Mountain. Simply put, Animation helps your SEO by keeping website users hooked and on pages for longer. Video content has been shown to improve dwell time by 80% on a website page that has video content and 53% more likely to show up on page 1 of search results.

2. Animated Videos Encourage Backlinks


Backlinks are one of the most coveted aspects of SEO. They are a signal to search engines that your website is trustworthy and producing high quality content that people want to link to. A winning formula for backlinks is to create the highest quality content you can and then push it out to industry-relevant sources, partners and people that might be interested in reading or hearing about it. 

Our video for ‘The History Of Fintech’ was designed to be informative, engaging and showcase our expertise in a specialist area, but was also produced to enhance and make more appealing the content piece we were producing.

As the piece featured uniquely well-written content and had a powerful video message to sit alongside it,  it was shared online and via social media channels. As a result, it allowed us to obtain backlinks that may otherwise have been difficult to achieve.

3. Animated Videos Help Organic Visibility

Quite simply having animated videos on your website can you help you BE BIGGER on search engines. When video content is picked up by Google it gives significant prominence to this on the screen, compared to traditional search results.

In this example, you can see that not only are the video snippets prioritised in terms of the space that they take up, compared with typical search results but also that video content is much more visually appealing to click on than a text result.

This ends up meaning that not only does your website achieve a larger presence within search results but also that it is more likely to be clicked on than its inferior text only rivals!

What more can animated videos do?

Animated videos improve SEO, but they can do a lot more than that! To learn more about how animated videos can help your organisation tell its story you can contact our team. They are on-hand to talk you through your project and advise on scripts, visuals and the style of your desired video.